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May 5, 2008

read this somewhere…


Ledakan maklumat di internet mengalami evolusi yang tidak pernah diimpikan melebihi dari potensi yang dijangka. Tiada pihak mampu menyekat perkembangan “exponential”nya , kita hanya mampu mengukur kedudukan samada kita setara atau ketinggalan. Kerajaan Barisan Nasional dalam pihanraya ke 12 tempoh hari yang pada mulanya angkuh tetapi kini terpaksa menerima hakikat pengaruh besar media siber ini. PIhak pembangkang yang berpaksikan media alternative ini berjaya mengambil kesempatan licik yang menyebabkan senario tuding menuding jari di antara parti komponen Barisan Nasional . Kepimpinan UMNO juga dipersoalkan dan walaupun pada hakikatnya UMNO lebih utuh dari 1999 – namun pengaruh siber ini telah menggoncang perpaduan di kalangan ahli UMNO.


Namun demikian , sejak 8 Mac 2008 petualang alaf baru ini makin berani membicarakan isu isu yang selama ini dianggap sebagai sensitif.Media-media alternatif ini mempersoalkan secara terbuka Ketuanan melayu dan tanpa adab dan segan silu mempersoalkan tindak tanduk raja-raja melayu .Yang terbaru ; isu pertembungan agama dijadikan sandaran untuk kononnya perjuangan kebebasan hak manusia. Alam maya kini ternyata menjadi satu wadah yang makin lama makin disalahgunakan. Kenyataaan-kenyataan fitnah dan berbau perkauman dihamburkan dengan terbuka tanpa rasa tanggungjawab. Api perkauman secara tidak langsung ditiup kuat dan toleransi orang melayu ternyata dicabar. Prinsip Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ( Menteri Propaganda Jerman ( 1933 – 1945 ) pernah menyatakan , sekiranya sesuatu pembohongan itu diwar-warkan secara berterusan , nescaya ia akan menjadi benar dan dipercayai.

UMNO masih tidak mengerti impak yang dibawa ledakan internet ini. UMNO masih “kampong” dulu kini dan selamanya. Walaupun blog-blog pemimpin pusat UMNO tumbuh bagai cendawan ; strategi ini sudah lapuk dalam melawan arus yang tidak dikawal olehnya. Kita harus menginovasikan dan memodenkan pola perjuangan kita. Sebagai contohnya Kongres Permuafakatan Melayu yang berlangsung 2 – 4 Mei 2008 , tidak menggunakan Internet sebagai wadah menghebahan berlangsungnya kongres itu. Walaupun ada video-video youtube yang ditayangkan ; tetapi ia sekadar melepaskan batuk di tangga. Tidak ada laman web khas yang memaparkan perjalanan kongres itu ; mahupun untuk memuat turunkan kertas-kertas kerja yang dibentangkan atau resolusi-resolusi yang diluluskan . Sekiranya kita betul-betul serius untuk mempertahankan hak dan maruah kita , kita perlu anjakan paradigma untuk berkongsi maklumat sebegini secara “total”. Kita perlu jadi LEBIH BERANI DAN LANTANG bukan hanya di hadapan orang-orang melayu tetapi seluruh RAKYAT MALAYSIA perlu disedarkan!

Mempertahankan hak kita sebagai orang melayu yang terpelihara mengikut Perlembagaan harus disusul dengan tindak tanduk kita sendiri.Sebagai orang yang mengaku dirinya sebagai bumiputera , kita mempunyai ruang dan kesempatan untuk menyatakan pendirian kita. Membuang masa sekiranya kita terus melaungkan .BERSATU..BERSATU.. kalau ia sekadar slogan di majlis forum dan kongres atau perbincangan taraf “kedai kopi” untuk mendapatkan tepuk sorak “syok sendiri”.


Sebagai individu , kita seharusnya berasa bangga dengan siapa diri kita . Kita dianggap terlalu bertoleransi sekarang sehinggakan parti-parti komponen sendiri sudah “kaduk naik ke junjung”. Kita harus yakin dengan perjuangan nenek moyang kita yang bertungkus lumus memastikan kita tidak menjadi hamba di tanah tumpah darah sendiri. Buku-buku dan maklumat sejarah harus diteliti semula dan difahami secara mendalam ; agar kita yakin untuk menangkis segala tohmah dan fitnah yang cuba menghalang perkembangan kita sebagai bangsa yang berjaya. Kita harus berhujah secara fakta dan bukan sekadar emosi yang hanya memakan diri sahaja. Jangan biarkan racun yang ditabur mengaburi pemikiran generasi muda kita , bukan dikalangan orang melayu tetapi orang-orang cina , India , Iban , Kadazan dan sebagainya. Golongan muda ini sekiranya dibiarkan pemikirannya dicelarukan ; ternyata menghalang perpaduan dan toleransi yang kita junjung selama ini.

Di alam Siber , kita masih menjadi terlalu “melayu” yang penuh lemah gemalai dan ber sopan santun. Kita hanya menerima hiruk pikuk cercaan dan membiarkannya begitu sahaja penghinaan dipaparkan di laman-laman web. Orang melayu masih “malu-malu” dan disinilah sebenarnya gesaan Revolusi Mental Allahyarham Dato Senu Abdul Rahman perlu dipraktikkan. . Disini jugalah kita boleh jadi “kurang ajar” sebagaimana yang pernah ditekankan oleh Tan Sri Musa Hitam dahulu. Wadah siber merupakan satu ruang terbuka untuk kita bertarung ; dan biarlah pertarungan itu secara “offensive” ; yakni secara menyeluruh di semua blog-blog dan media alternative yang mencabar kita. Tunjukkan kebijaksanaan kita berhujah di atas pena bukan sahaja dalam Bahasa Melayu tetapi Bahasa Inggeris , Cina, India dan sebagainya . Di sini juga , saya ingin menyeru agar pemimpin-pemimpin PEMUDA UMNO di AKAR UMBI untuk menunjukkan keikhlasan perjuangan anda . Melayu memerlukan anda untuk membuktikan mengapa anda mengetuai PEMUDA di peringkat cawangan dan bahagian ! Aktifkan diri di dalam alam SIBER dan pertahankan maruah kita secara sistematik dan berpengetahuan.Biar TAMING SARI SIBER menjadi lambang keperwiraan kita. Kita perlu menguasai informasi internet kerana penglibatan orang melayu di ruangan ini terlalu halus ; dan kerana itulah kita diperkotak katikkan. Usaha gabungan individu-individu sebenarnya lebih berkesan kerana yang menggerakkannya ialah kuasa rakyat.

Saya juga berharap agar pihak BIRO TATANEGARA menganjakkan modus operandinya di alam Siber ini. Penerangan di dalam kem-kem BTN di dalam hutan tebal sudah lapuk dan terbukti tidak berkesan. BTN perlu lebih proaktif untuk mewar-warkan informasi untuk semua dan bukan mereka-mereka yang terpilih sahaja. Kumpulan sasaran perlu lebih spesifik dan efektif. Penglibatan professional Melayu perlu diterapkan untuk meninggikan kredibiliti Biro. Tidak salah sekiranya pihak BTN sendiri aktif memberi komen di dalam media alternatif ; menangkis tohmah dengan membariskan fakta-fakta hujah untuk mematahkan tuduhan lawan. Biar orang ramai menyedari kehadiran BTN di alam Siber keran wadah ini yang menjadi punca rujukan maklumat.


Penglibatan orang melayu secara aktif “online” masih belum mencukupi. Pengkhianat-pengkhianat negara yang cuba merosakkan paksi kenegaraan dengan fitnah-fitnah yang mengaburi rakyat sedang bermaharajalela. Kita cuba menafikan pengaruh alam Siber tetapi kita silap. Namun demikian , nasi belum menjadi bubur kerana pergerakan “offensive: secara menyeluruh sebegini masih boleh dilakukan. Sekiranya kita faham erti perjuangan , saya yakin kita akan sedar apa peranan kita. Penghinaan dan cercaan di alam siber sudah di tahap maksima , dan di titik inilah perjuangan melayu alaf baru sebenarnya bermula.


Who controls the information now

May 2, 2008

f you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
–Josph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
–Adolf Hitler

Germany became a strong order coming to world war 2 because of their propaganda modus operandi. Reading through the propaganda principles ; I guess Goebbels really thought through in creating such a psychological upheaval amongst the NAZIs.

Goebbels must be crying from the dead because he missed the Internet boom. A very powerful tool of information which fits his propaganda concepts very nicely. The Malaysian ruling government ignored the importance and paid dearly . The government-elect who capitalised on UMNO’s “kampung” mentality and the components’ atittitude ; played their sentiment right to win the votes which i can see they did not expect as well ! UMNO remained kampung literally by letting the “secret” weapon killing them softly and of course our 12GE results proved its power.

Yes , everybody is happy that the Rakyat showed what they want ; not knowing whether is it really what they want. In Malaysia our voting pattern has always been about populist issues ; how the grassroots are tackled. The generation that voted in the last election belonged to the Internet boom generation ; explaining why the components lost badly. UMNO still maintained their kampung votes ; but this is not enough in capturing the new Malaysia.

One must remember ; the generation who are reading the stuffs that we write and produced on the net at the moment are majoritily the young. The future voters , future leaders of Malaysia. They read in awe whatever we write and will take it on face value regardless of its facts. Issues and controversies stimulates the young mind and this is where netizens should assume responsibility. The mass effect of such arrogance on the net is yet to be seen.

The young minds if not guided well can sway as far as it can be. We are creating tension and suspicion amongst the young and this will be evident in their daily activities in school. We maybe digressing towards unruly Malaysia if we continue to filth the net with irresponsibility entries. Its of course nice to be able to let things out regarding the oppression and suffering , but is it worth it for the next generation ? We say we are doing all this to ensure our future generation’s prospect and potential. Seeing it from this prospective may make one think , will it be worth it ?

Do not underestimate the power of the net ; and as the old saying goes ” The pen is mightier than the sword”. I forecast catastrophy if we do not control the information properly ; dominated by the learned which may only benefit the one with access. Things can go very dirty if it starts from the mind…


Whats wrong Dr M ?

April 6, 2008

It started off with Dr M vs the Tunku Abdul Rahman , the first prime minister. He was expelled from UMNO but Tun Razak thought that he was an asset ; to dear to be blown away just like that. One must admit that he is smart and shrewd ; otherwise how would you explain his express ascend to become the Deputy Prime Minister after the demise of Tun Razak ?

Then , he became too powerful for Tun Hussein to contain and became the fourth prime minister of Malaysia. He had Tun Musa as his deputy , seen as the dynamic duo. They had a fallout in 1986 and Musa was pissed off that he resigned. Tun Dr M then had Tun Ghafar to look after the country. Somehow , he changed his mind and kept mum when Tun Ghafar needed him to back him up when he was up against Anwar ; a purely Tun Dr M’s protege. With his blessing , Anwar became as powerful as the old gaffer.

Of course , Tun Dr M was at his best in 1987. A revolution within UMNO erupted and he nearly loss the Presidency. ( some might argue the debacle in 1987 was the birth of Undi Hantu !! ) Ku Li knew he was stronger and along the way deregistered UMNO. Of course , Tun Dr M was always in control that when Ku Li tried to register UMNO immediately , it was striked off by the judiciary. The way Ku Li was potrayed in 1990 ( the cross on his KAdazan tengkolok) was just the beginning of the “everytime-smear” type of campaign.

Then , when Anwar was much too way out of control ; Tun Dr M character assassinated him with the all famous gay accusation. He managed to jail Anwar and then had a difficult time to choose his next successor. Well, fair enough ; we thought it was over but of course Tun Dr M being Tun Dr M just had to meddle everything up and now he is asking for Pak Lah’s resignation.

Everybody had problems with Tun Dr M.. so i guess , the one factor that everybody should get rid off is Tun Dr M !!! Simple logic isn’t it ?

Personally , I may agree with him asking PAk Lah to resign as i do feel that Pak Lah cannot lead Barisan Nasional to win the next election. Unfortunately , its Tun Dr M asking and I am not too keen on his ways at the moment. I may agree with him in principle but I question Tun Dr M himself. He is not god. He was not perfect when he held the Prime Minister’s post for 22 years. He is in such a delusional state and thinks highly perfect of himself.

Come on la…


Pak Lah to answer..

March 10, 2008

.It’s a big headache for Pak Lah to choose the new cabinet members. He can’t be appointing senators from MIC and GERAKAN to make the numbers. Giving most of the post to UMNO is a no no as well as it will not auger well in the power sharing concept.
Reduce the number of cabinet members. We have too many ridiculous minister posts !!
Choose only those who deserve it.. ( many would beg to differ this point though !! )

2.Ready to accept that the first proposal from the parliament opposition ; vote of no confidence to the current PM and government . This time around , the ruling party cannot veto it out and it will be discussed and debated in length !!
It can be very humiliating. Must consider “escape-clause” ! This needs a lot of balls though..

3.Should i even proceed to the National Budget presentation ?( An obvious 2/3 majority issue !! ) Expect a counter Budget which will sound more convincing to the rakyat . Big dilemma here…
Please do a proper meeting and discussion with the opposing party before presenting ! Don’t end up looking like a fool when it is not passed by the House of Commons !

4.Certain UMNO faction maybe planning for your dismissal behind your back. It has happened before and do learn from history. This sentiment will grow and the one in waiting is smiling from ear to ear!
You just have to follow the flow ; bound to happen sooner or later. Too many people hungry for power and resistance is futile. Is there any other choice ?



Hello world!

February 24, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!